Monday, June 8, 2015

Seitz (kushoto), mmoja wa watakaofanya kazi na Toto kuhakikisha mambo yanakwenda vizuri.

Habari njema kanda ya ziwa ni kwamba Klabu ya Toto African ya Mwanza imepata neema baada ya kuingia makubaliano na wataalamu wa soka kutoka nchini Ujerumani.

Wataalamu hao watafanya kazi pamoja na Toto kuhakikisha inafanya vizuri na ikiwezekana kuwa klabu bora ya nne baada ya Yanga, Simba na Azam.

Toto African imefanikiwa kurejea Ligi Kuu Bara baada ya kusota nje kwa takribani msimu mitatu.

Pamoja na hivyo tunategemea ushirikiano mkubwa kutoka kwa Chama cha Soka Mkoa wa Mwanza na ofisini ya Mkuu wa Mkoa pia.

“Lengo ni kuifanya Toto African kuwa timu ya Wanamwanza kwa faida ya mkoa kwa ujumla na kuachana na ushabiki wa timu za Dar es Salaam,” alisema.


Toto African Sports Club will develop a new club concept with German support –

German-Tanzanian coaching duo will lead the team through the VPL season ‘15/16

Toto African Sports Club is proud to announce a unique partnership with German football development experts. Over the next five years the club and its German partners want to develop a modern concept to overcome the main problems which Tanzania’s professional football faces for years/decades. The goal is to become the fourth big club in the country beside Dar Es Salaam based clubs Yanga SC, Azam FC and Simba SC. In doing so the club wants to rely on a modern concept which gets developed according to Tanzanian needs without expecting financial support from Germany. Instead of that Toto wants to build up on the new concept to gain the hearts of sponsors and fans in and from Mwanza. The ideagets supported byMwanza’s Regional commissioner, Mwanza City Council and Mwanza Football Federation.
Last year Toto Africans got promoted from first division into Premier League under a new leadership. Still due to several problems which the club has faced over the last decades the leaders realized that Toto Africans can neither rely on a big fan base nor on big sponsorship support in Mwanza. Therefore building up a successful team is a nearly impossible challenge. To overcome that dilemma the club decided to end its historically grown connection to Yanga and to create a new concept on its own. The vision of Toto’sexecutiveis to change the image of the club and to end club politicswhich have hindered the Toto’s development for many years/decades. To achieve this goal last year’s elected executive committee got in touch with the city’s Public relation Officer Joseph Mlinzi who also coordinates Mwanza’s sister city relationships. The idea was to get some support through the German sister city Wurzburg. Finally thelinkage to Germany was established through City Mayor Stanslaus Mabula and City Director Halifa Hidda with the endorsement of the Regional CommissionerMagessa Mulongo and Mwanza Football Federation’s president Jackson Songora. As a result the club’s executive committee held a first meeting with German Football development expert Juergen Seitz when he visited Mwanza in April.
Over the last six yearsSeitz has successfullyled several football charity projectson a voluntary basis in Mwanza and Germany. In 2012 he led an U20 from Mwanza to Germany. The squad sensationally stayed unbeaten against eight U20 Bundesliga teams, among them the German youth record champion VfB Stuttgart and the current U20 champion TSG Hoffenheim. After the journey Seitz has not been successful in convincing leaders of the country’s leading clubs Azam FC and Simba SC about the urgent need to change some basic principles in Tanzanian club management and football.Both have not been ready for the fundamental change needed. According to Seitz the five key problems of Tanzanian football are:
1.)  Clubs have no structured and sustainable club philosophybuilding up on a long-term vision
2.)  Coaches from Europe are usually not aware of the local culture and mindset of players
3.)  Football is played too physically and similar to the old European footballfrom the 1990s
4.)  Clubs believe too much in experienced and foreign players and too less in local young talents
5.)  Club committees are too big and leaders think too often about money and short term success
With Toto Africans, Seitz sees the chance to overcome these five fundamental problems of Tanzanian football. However he is also aware that there are many difficulties to expect over the next months/years, most of all in building up long-term trust between German supporters and the club leadership.Toto African leadership is strongly committed to work on this vision together with its German partnersand not to do the failure again of believing in short-term or political goals. Seitz and his German network will not support Toto financially, but through sending youngtalented coaches and advisors who will support the club on a voluntary basis each season. They will develop the new club philosophy hand-in-hand with local leaders and coaches.In the same time the club wants to develop a new fan base and sponsorship network in Mwanza to guarantee enough financial and emotional support on this ambitious path. If the collaboration gets successfulthe linkages to Germany might be deepened and extended.
Linked to the five fundamental problems of Tanzanian football mentioned before, Toto Africans Sports Club is committed to the following 5 principles:
1.)  Toto relies on a five-year plan to become one of the top four teams in the Tanzanian Premier League:
a.       Short-term focus: Creating a Premier League team with a modern style of playing
b.      Medium-term: Recruiting young talents from a new talent program in Mwanza
c.       Long-term: Building a training compound and improving further infrastructures
2.)  Toto believes in a German-Tanzanian head coach duo and management collaboration to use the best from both cultures. So both sides can learn from each other and combine their knowledge to continuously develop the club.
a.       Coaching: Young German coaches who are open to the Tanzanian culture guarantee the latest training standards and tactical knowledge. Experienced Tanzanian coaches know how to work and communicate with Tanzanian playersand guarantee the right attitude of players. Both parties work hand in hand on all matters.
b.      Management: Modern football is also a lot about modern marketing approaches. Successful marketing concepts from European clubs are supposed get adapted to Tanzanian needs. So they can get linked to Tanzanian passion and networks.
3.)  Toto plays modern football which reflects the latest developments in international football.
4.)  Toto believes in young talents and reliesmostly on players from Mwanza only in the long run.
a.       Building up on a new youth football development approach of the Mwanza Football Federation and a German youth football charity,children in Mwanza will get better chances to be trained from young years on according to the technical, tactical and psychological needs of modern international football.
b.      The development of the mindset of players (individually and as a team) will be as important as the flexibility to adapt to different tactics as a team.
5.)  The club leadership is aware of its central role in developing such a concept and wants to be a linkage between tactical bench, administrative stuff, German supporters and most of all sponsors and fans in Mwanza. Trust and integrity in the leadership are the key elements to successfully establish such a new club philosophy.
In the upcoming VPL season the team will be coached by 29-year old German coach Martin Grelics (UEFA A-License holder) and his experienced Tanzanian counterpart John Tegete. Nextweek the club leadership and the German partner Jürgen Seitz will announce further details about the cooperation in a press conference in Mwanza (exact date, time and venue to be announced). Also the squad will be formed until end of June. The club already talks to several players and will also hold trials in the next weeks.
Kind regards,
Carthbert Japhet

Spoke Person Toto African Sports Club

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