Central Seventh-day Adventist church at 169 Meanwood Road, Leeds LS7
1JW is organising a special day of fasting and prayer for Kenya and for
those affected by the recent terrorist attacks in Nairobi. Please pass
the information along:
Here are details:
Date: Saturday Oct 19 2013
Time of the Service: 11:00 – 1:00 pm
Place: Leeds Central SDA church, 169 Meanwood Road, Leeds LS7 1jW
Fasting Times: Lunch-time Friday, Oct 18th to 1pm Saturday, 19th Oct 2013.
After the service we will break the fast with a fellowship lunch at the church hall.
Please pass the message along and if you can’t make it, then join us on the day wherever you are.
Regards, Pastor Ikwisa Mwasumbi
Regards, Pastor Ikwisa Mwasumbi
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