Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Leeds Central Seventh-day Adventist church at 169 Meanwood Road, Leeds LS7 1JW is organising a special day of fasting and prayer for Kenya and for those affected by the recent terrorist attacks in Nairobi.  Please pass the information along:
Here are details:
Date: Saturday Oct 19 2013
Time of the Service: 11:00 – 1:00 pm
Place: Leeds Central SDA church, 169 Meanwood Road, Leeds LS7 1jW
Fasting Times: Lunch-time Friday, Oct 18th to 1pm Saturday, 19th Oct 2013.  
After the service we will break the fast with a fellowship lunch at the church hall.
Please pass the message along and if you can’t make it, then join us on the day wherever you are.

Regards, Pastor Ikwisa Mwasumbi

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